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Perugia, Italy
1 – 50
< €10,000
Red Lynx is an innovative start-up born as a spin-off of the Department of Engineering of the University of Perugia and founded by researchers with many years of experience in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.
Thanks to the strong know-how developed during the years of academic research, Red Lynx aims to realize innovative solutions based on Artificial Intelligence technologies, in particular Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Computer Vision, to support technological applications of all kinds.
Examples of our solutions include image and data analysis systems in the enterprise, industrial and agritech fields, such as: asset monitoring systems, predictive models, predictive maintenance solutions, as well as automation and robotics solutions.
We like to create close contact with customers and partners, precisely to be able to develop systems specifically designed according to their needs and problems. Sort of like we are tailors who create custom-made AI for those who need it.
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Trento, Italy
1 – 50
€10,000 - €20,000
In Zupit trovi affidabilità e competenza per realizzare il software su misura per te.
Software engineer e designer lavorano insieme utilizzando un approccio lean con l'obbiettivo di produrre valore per i propri clienti, migliorarsi costantemente e padroneggiare le ultime tecnologie.
L'ambiente affabile e stimolante in cui lavoriamo e l'organizzazione Agile ci permettono di ottenere in modo efficiente risultati eccellenti.

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Rovereto, Italy
1 – 50
€10,000 - €20,000
iVolution si occupa di innovazione e trasformazione di sistemi informativi attestati sulla piattaforma IBM i (AS400).
In particolare:
1) INNOVAZIONE DI FRONT END: con passaggio a interfaccia Web based
2) INNOVAZIONE DI BACK END: con affiancamento del linguaggio Node.js ai linguaggi RPG e CL
3) INNOVAZIONE ARCHITETTURALE: con l'evoluzione verso una architettura a servizi API based su IBM i
4) INNOVAZIONE DATA INTEGRATION: con integrazione in tempo reale tra DB2 e fonti dati esterne
5) TRANSFORMATION: con la conversione del sistema informativo
- da RPG/CL (o Cobol) a Node.js
- da Dispaly File a JSON file web based
- da Printer File a JSON file su PDF
- coesistenza del codice RPG/CL con il codice Node.js
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Verona, Italy
1 – 50
< €10,000
Provider of IT consulting services intended to offer services in computer vision, photogrammetry, model acquisition, and industrial vision. The company offers customized computer vision software solutions such as 3D reconstruction, 3D modeling from reality both small-scale and large-scale objects, 3D stereo processing, and augmented reality.
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Brescia, Italy
1 – 50
< €10,000
The company primarily operates in the IT Consulting and Outsourcing industry. 4solid was founded in 2016 and is headquartered in Brescia, Italy.
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Campobasso, Italy
1 – 50
< €10,000
The company primarily operates in the IT Consulting and Outsourcing industry. 3g It Innovation Technology was founded in 2011 and is headquartered in Campobasso, Italy.
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Limena, Italy
1 – 50
< €10,000
The company primarily operates in the IT Consulting and Outsourcing industry. 4consulting was founded in 2004 and is headquartered in Limena, Italy.
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Bari, Italy
1 – 50
< €10,000
The company primarily operates in the Systems and Information Management industry. 3dscan was founded in 2020 and is headquartered in Bari, Italy.
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Gonars, Italy
1 – 50
< €10,000
The company primarily operates in the IT Consulting and Outsourcing industry. 3technology was founded in 2002 and is headquartered in Gonars, Italy.
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Palermo, Italy
1 – 50
< €10,000
The company primarily operates in the IT Consulting and Outsourcing industry. Advepa Communication is headquartered in Palermo, Italy.